Jeremiah - The Weeping Prophet
[Lamentations 1:16]

I. His Background:
  1. Divinely Chosen [1:5]
  2. Commissioned [1:10]
  3. Promised Presence [1:19]
II. His Rejection:
  1. By His Neighbors [11:19-21]
  2. Family [12:6]
  3. Friends [20:10]
  4. All People [26:8]
III. His Message:
  1. Search for a Man [5:1]
  2. Old ways Best [6:16]
  3. Lost Opportunity [8:20]
  4. Depravity of Heart [17:9]
  5. Clay & The Potter [18]
  6. Finding God [29:3]
  7. New Covenant [31:31-34]
Jeremiah was regarded as a meddler and a traitor for his message of condemnation rather than salvation! He reminds us God's message is not always comforting and encouraging.

His book is a vivid reminder that God does not ask us to be successful but faithful.

© 2008 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries


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