The Church on trial

During the resent fiascos in the church world someone made the statement "The church is on trial." That's truer than we think! Everyday the world looks for something in the church to point a finger at. If they can prove us less pure; less sanctified; less holy than we claim, than they indeed have a good case.

In order to leave the most lasting impression on the world we need a sense of compassion. We need a deepening sensitivity. We need to forgive if we will ever be forgiven. If we are constantly at odds with the brethren it will become evident to the world.

Secondly we need a sense of consecration. We should be continually yielding to new light for it brings an increased awareness of God's Will. Remember as we walk in the light the blood of Jesus cleanses and only then.

Thirdly we need a sense of consistency. Every day should be lived on a level of excellence. Remember we are warned to be "instant in season and out of season." There are wonderful resources available. Rely on them.

Yes it's clear that the "church is on trial." The example we set; the grace we display; the holiness we show will set a doubting world back on it's heels. Let us rise up and prove conclusively that there is a church that is pure and sanctified and holy!

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Let the beauty of Jesus shine out O so sweetly From the life of the saved and sanctified soul And you may this blessing receive now so freely And be witness for the Lord in this dark world.
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Scripture: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
God's Overview
"So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God.........." (Gen. 45:8)

God sees the end from the beginning. He has the unique vantage point of an overview. He can see beyond the doubts, insecurities and frustrations of our lives. We see things as they appear; He sees things as they truly are!

Joseph concluded after many years in Pharoah's court that God had allowed the hurt, the harm, the imprisonment. That in the wise providence of God Joseph became a man of great character. Only God could have such an overview.

I submit to you that we can trust our lives to Him. That if sickness comes He will bring us ultimate healing; that if financial disaster strikes He will provide every need; that if loss of a loved one occurs He will fill the void. We can say with Joseph, "but God." But God sees the end from the beginning; but God knows where the turn in the road is; but God sees how things will work out and how it will be best for us! Let us rely on His overview!  

Work as if everything depends on you;
Pray as if everything depends on God.

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Sufficient Provision

To have been so totally dependent on the Lord and to have suddenly lost Him was a calamity hard to comprehend. The Disciples were at a loss but Jesus had warned them of this very event. In order to cushion the shock He had declared, "I will not leave you comfortless." He was and is a source of comfort in sorrow, sickness and separation. Notice if you will:
  1. He has not left us without an example (John 13:15) His submission, humility and service are the trademarks of His ministry. Can we do less?
  2. He has not left us without peace (John 14:27) Not a peace predicated on circumstances or harmonious relationships but on Jesus.
  3. He has not left us without joy (John 15:11) A joy unspeakable in the face of sorrow and suffering.
  4. He has not left us without hope of His return (John 16:16) The power of death could not claim Him and the grave could not hold Him. He said, "Behold I am alive forevermore."
  5. He has not left us without a warning (John 13:21-28) Let us be aware that the best can backslide and the finest can fall.
The provisions of the Lord are fully adequate. The adequacy of Easter compensates for our every need. He promised, "I will not leave you comfortless." Call on Him today.

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
The Basics of a growing Church

The story is told of Vince Lombardi, the coach for the Green Bay Packers whose integrity, drive and enthusiasm for football was legendary. He was always stressing the fundamentals of the game. No razzle dazzle just hard nosed blocking and tackling. In spite of all that Green Bay lost to an extremely inferior team. He met them the next morning and as only Coach Lombadi could do confronted them with the issue at hand. Standing before the players he declared, "Gentlemen this is a football." It did the trick on the field and more importantly in the locker room. It's called getting back to basics.

We in the church need to get back to basics. All the programming and organizational techniques won't get the job done. We need to adhere to some basic principles. Here they are as I see them.

We need to preach the Word - Both the pulpit and pew need to resound with the basic message of God's love. It must be evident not only in what we say but in what we do; not only in what we profess but in what we possess!

We need to Pray without ceasing - Prayer should frequent everything we do. The lost need to be saved, the believer needs to be sanctified and the church needs to be revived. Prayer will do it when nothing else cam!

We need to give with diligence - Remember the furtherance of the local church depends on what you do. Give cheerfully and sacrificially. God will bless you for what you!

We need to attend with regularity - Sporadic attendance cripples the church. It's effectiveness is marked by enthusiastic Christ-like people making their way to the house of God. Join us each service You'll be glad you did!

Just maybe getting back to these basic principles
can precipitate a revival among us.

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Formula for a successful New Year!

Ours is a commitment to excellence. We all desire to succeed. Joshua tells us a firm commitment to the word will produce a life of prosperity and blessing. Joshua declares, ".....for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

May I suggest a five fold formula for success.
  1. Give God first part of every day (Mark 1:35) What better way to start the day then begin with God!
  2. Give God the first day of every week (Heb. 10:25) We are cautioned "to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together." If we are to maintain the grace of God we must make it a regular feature of our lives to be in the House of God. Don't miss church or you will miss a blessing.
  3. Give God the tithe (Malachi 3:10). A tithe of time, talent, energy and money is owed God. He owns it all but He requires the tithe.
  4. Give God the first consideration in every decision (Pro. 3:5-6). Never make a decision and exclude God. Ask Him, "What would you have me to do?"
  5. Give God first place in your heart (Mark 12:30). Love Him totally, unreservedly, and unquestionably! He demands First place.
SCRIPTURE: "....for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." (Joshua 1:8)
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries

A Sense of Missionary Purpose

".....As my Father hath sent me, Even so send I you." John 20:21

If it is true that men are eternally lost without Christ; if it is true that eternity is just a breath away; if it is true that we are a heartbeat from standing before God then we must go as Jesus commanded into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in.

In order to do so we must develop a:
  1. Sense of Identity (John 17:18) - We must identify with the hurts, the frustrations, the failures of mankind. We must hear Ezekiel as he said, "I sat where they sat."
  2. Sense of Difference (John 17:16) - We must stand out as changed by the power of God. Our hatred for sin must be apparent. Our love for the sinner all consuming.
  3. Sense of Fulfillment (John 4:34) - We must feel as our Lord that there is nothing that brings greater satisfaction or greater joy than serving the God of Heaven!
  4. Sense of Consecration (John 17:18-19) - We must experience that moment of complete consecration; of total surrender; of yielding our talents and abilities to Him!
  5. Sense of Consecration (John 17:18-19) - We must experience that moment of complete consecration; of total surrender; of yielding our talents and abilities to Him!
  6. Sense of Urgency (John 9:4) - We must realize how late it is; that the darkness of Judgment is soon to settle upon this sinful world; that those without Christ will spend eternity in hell.
A special sense of missionary purpose is the need of the church. May God help us to be about our Father's business.

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Things that hinder Progress in the Church

As in every facet of life there are things that hinder the growth and progress of the local church. Here are some contributing factors.

Withholding the tithe (Malachi 3:10) - We are repeatedly cautioned that the tithe belongs to the Lord. That means a tenth of our income should be placed in the storehouse. The storehouse is the local church where you are fed. Failure to pay the tithe hinders meeting of local obligations and prevents future expansion!"

Failing to keep the Lord's day holy (Isaiah 58:13-14) - One day of seven belongs to God unconditionally. We prove our intentions by faithful church attendance and by living clean! Remember the sabbath was made for man but keep it holy.

Harboring an Unforgiving Spirit (Mark 11:25-26) - Jesus said, "If your brother hath ought against you go to him." Whatever it takes to bring about a reconciliation; to effect harmony in the local church; to keep things progressively forward that will you do. Deal with that unforgiving spirit immediately!

Regarding Iniquity in the Heart (Psalm 66:18) - To entertain sin in any form in your heart can only produce disastrous results. Prayer will get little attention until the heart is cleansed! Such disobedience can only keep the church from progressing.

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Scripture: "Ye did run well, who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth." Gal. 5:7

Rev. W. Scott Lockard
©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
The Song Jesus Sang

"When they had sang a hymn, They went out into the Mount of Olives." Mat. 26:30

Jesus is represented in the Word as many things:
  1. He is the Great Physician {Matt. 9:12}
  2. He is the Master Teacher {Matt. 5:2}
  3. He is the Perfect Preacher {Luke 4:18}
  4. He is the Qualified Counselor {Is. 9:6}
He is never thought of as a singer! I don't know whether He sang tenor, baritone or bass but it was no doubt the sweetest music this side of Heaven.

Copying with the calamity of the crucifixion He sang! He sang in the face of: betrayal by Judas {Mark 14:43-46}, denial by Peter {Matt. 26:69} and forsaking by the Disciples {Matt. 26:56}.

His was a song of sacrifice, consecration, mercy and redemption! He sang a song of victory in the face of defeat. He sang a song of life in the face of death. Yes Jesus was a singer. Can we do less? Let us sing a new song with radiant joy of the Lord and win the world to Christ!

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

(C) 2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries

I am for the Church

 With all it's weaknesses and it's inabilities the church is the vehicle through which we are to serve God. In its confines we can find an 'altar of prayer' and a place of refuge. It is not outdated or outmoded. I am for the church!  

 I am for the church because Christ taught us its immeasurable value when He loved it and gave Himself for it. (Eph. 5:25)

 I am for the church because Christ meets with and ministers to every congregation that gathers in His name. (Matt. 18:20)
 I am for the church because from Pentecost on every person who accepted Christ was added to the church. They identified, worshipped and received instruction there. (Acts 2:41-47)
 I am for the church because Christ is building, perfecting and preserving it. It is the only institution that will survive time and last forever to show the manifold wisdom of God. (Matt. 16:18)
 I am for the church because everything I have from Christ or know about Christ has come to me through the church. (1 Thess. 3:15)
Yes I am for the church. How about you?
".....but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him." Acts 12:5

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

(C) 2008 Pastor W. Scott Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries

History Written in Advance

The Bible is the only book in all the world that writes history in advance! Repeatedly the Old Testament speaks of events yet to happen. Among the writers of prophecy is Zechariah. This saint of the Old Testament focused much attention on Israel and its people.

In Zechariah 8:7-8 he predicted the return of the Jews to Jerusalem. Although scattered repeatedly thought out the world in 1967 during the six day war they reclaimed control of their ancient capital Jerusalem just as predicted!

Again in Zechariah 8:12 it is predicted the land would be fruitful! From a barren, non productive land to a land exporting food to many countries! Indeed the nation is as a blossoming rose.

Then too in spite of terrible persecution against the Jews it is slated in Zech. 8:13 that the people will be protected by the grace of God!

Further Zechariah stated in Chapter 8:22 that many people would go to Jerusalem to seek God's favor! Since the 1967 war people from around the world have toured Jerusalem visiting the holiest sites of Judaism and Christianity!

In addition it is predicted that Jerusalem would become an international problem (Zech. 12:1-5) currently there is contention between Jews and Muslims regarding Jerusalem as a capital. Ultimately many will vie for the establishment of an international city!

Finally in Zechariah chapter 14:12 it is predicted that nations attacking Jerusalem will be struck with a plaque having the effects on the body of chemical weapons or the blast of heat from a nuclear weapon.
Indeed history has been written in advance.

                                            Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2004 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries. 
You may print for this Prophecy Article for your own personal use but any reproduction for personal gain is strictly prohibited.
Accuracy of Bible Prophecy #2

  1. Israel controls Jerusalem (Luke 21:24) a. Jerusalem was controlled by Gentiles from 586 B.C. until June 1967
  2. Jesus predicted destruction of second temple (Matt. 24:2) a. Occured in 70 A D
    b. A third temple to be constructed
  3. Red China boasts of a 2,000,000 man army (Rev. 19:16) a. Enter Armageddon battlefield
  4. European Comman Market Formed (Rev. 13:1) a. Ultimatly a 10 nation confederacy
  5. World's last and most powerful Dictator (Rev. 13) a. Man of peace, charm, cleverness
    b. Rules the world for 3.5 years
  6. Increase in wars (Matt. 24:6) a. W.W.I (8,500,000 killed)
    b. W.W.II (52,000,000 killed)
  7. Earthquakes (Matt. 24:7) a. In various places
  8. Famines (Matt. 24:7) a. Average of 6,000 die daily
  9. 9. Heart attacks Increasing (Luke 21:26) a. Two contributing factor
      1. worry & overindulgence
  10. Explosion of Knowledge (Dan. 12:4) a. Scientific enlightenment without moral dedication
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2004 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries. 
You may print for this Prophecy Article for your own personal use but any reproduction for personal gain is strictly prohibited.
Accuracy of Bible Prophecy #1

1. Israel would become a nation in one day.
Prophesied - Isaiah 66:8
Fulfilled - May 14, 1948

2. Israel would gain control of Jerusalem.
Prophesied = Joel 2:32
Fulfilled - June 1967

3. Weapons produced could destroy the world.
Mark 13:20, Rev. 9:18

4. The Gospel must be published in all the world.
Mark 13:10

5. Israel would be confronted by a great power from N/ Magog.
Ezekiel 33:15-16

6. Nation established in far east of Israel (fields army of 200 million).

7. Economic Alliance Established (From Old Roman Empire).
Dan. 2:44
Fullfilled - European Common Market

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2004 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries. 
You may print for this Prophecy Article for your own personal use but any reproduction for personal gain is strictly prohibited.
Second Coming Signs

Jesus is coming again! His return is certain. We are unable to pinpoint the exact date but the Bible says. "When ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors." (Matt. 13:29) Her are some certain signs of His Coming!
ONE- The Return of the Jews- In 1948 they regained the land of Palestine and a nation was born in a day! All the powers of Hell have been thrown against the Jews to eradicate them but they are home to stay!
TWO- The Rise of Russia (Ez. 38) - It has been prophesied a great power would arise from the north. The bear is on the world scene. Vying for world control and second only to the U.S. She will come down against Israel and be destroyed by the power of God.
THREE- The transportation and knowledge Explosion (Dan. 12:4) - Traveling at the speed of seven miles a second we can break the gravitational pull of the earth but we have never yet learned to break free of sin. We know more today then anytime in history but we have never learned how to right the wrongs touching society!
FOUR- A world dictator (Rev. 13) - The entrance of an anti-christ personality is soon to appear on the scene. Some say this man of sin is already in the world. One thing is certain when he appears he will captivate the world. It is my conviction that our society is ripe for his coming.
Watch and Pray for the Second Coming is near!

SCRIPTURE: "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. (Matt. 25:13)

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2005 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries.
You may print for this Prophecy Article for your own personal use but any reproduction for personal gain is strictly prohibited.