The Adequacy of Easter
"...I Will Not Leave You Comfortless." John 14:18

To have been so totally dependent on the Lord and to have suddenly been faced with the threat of losing Him was a calamity hard to comprehend. The Disciples were at a loss. Reaching out to the Lord in their desperation He cushioned the shock when He declared, "I will not leave you comfortless." He was and is a source of comfort in sorrow, sickness and separation. Notice if you will:

1) He has not left us without an example (John 13:15). His submission, humility and service are the trademarks of his ministry. Can we do less?

2) He has not left us without peace (John 14:27) Not a peace predicated on circumstances or harmonious relationships but on Jesus.

3) He has not left us without joy (John 15:11) A joy unspeakable in the face of sorrow and suffering.

4) He has not left us without hope of His return (John 16:16) The powers of death could not claim Him and the grave could not hold Him. He said, "Behold I am alive forevermore."

5) He has not left us without a warning (John 13:21-13:28) Let us be aware that the best can backslide and the finest can fall!

The provisions of our Lord are fully adequate. The adequacy of Easter compensates for our every need. He promised, "I will not leave you comfortless!" Call unto Him today.

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

© 2007 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries
Forsaking The House of God

  God has so established His program that attendance in the House of God is essential. Ignoring the opportunities available to us is dangerous. It is dangerous because:

You are depriving yourself of spiritual health - Failure to worship and serve God results in the shriveling of the soul. Your spiritual nature cannot survive if you do not feed it.

Your talents and abilities are being wasted - You are needed. When you fail to do your part as a member of God's work force then the cause of Christ suffers.

You are letting your influence work against God, the truth and the church - Although you do not intended it so, your example says to all who observe your life that the church is not important and that God may safely be ignored. It is especially tragic that those who read this message in your example are often your own children and grandchildren.

Others need you and you need them - By your absence from the church you deprive others of the encouragement you could give them and you deprive yourself of the strength which they could share with you.

Your separation from God may become a permanent one - Life is uncertain. We have no guarantee of what the future holds. Though you intend to come back to the Lord you may wait too long or life may end too soon. The emphasis of the Bible is always upon the now. (2 Cor. 6:2) The future is too uncertain to risk your souls on it.

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is: but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Heb. 10:25

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

© 2007 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries

The Ideal Church For Today

  We are consistently striving for an ideal local church. We want the best; the most productive; the most capable organization possible. The ideal local church needs at least three qualities:

  One: A Minister like Peter (Acts 10:24-29) He responded to the call of God. He followed the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He showed a deep feeling of humility. I say, "Amen", and I Pray, "Lord help me to be a minister like Peter">

  Two: Lay leaders like Cornelius (Acts 10:30-33) He was a man who prayed before he acted. He was a man who gave freely as he prayed. He was a man who lived in the spirit of faith. I say, "Amen", and I pray, "Lord help our people to take a firm hold and make a lasting contribution to the building of the kingdom".

  Three: A Congregation like those in Caesarea (Acts 10:33-48) They came to church on time. It had priority in their lives. They heard the Word of God gladly. They received the Holy Spirit willingly. I say. "Amen", and I pray, "Lord give us a congregation openly responding to the Divine Will and freely allowing God access to their lives".

  Together we can produce such a church in our community. Let us rise up and build an "Ideal Church".
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

© 2007 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries
Simple Suggestions for Effective Praying

 Jesus taught us the importance of prayer. He said, " Men ought always to pray and not to faint." (Luke 18:1) In order to help the disciples in praying effectively he laid down some simple suggestions. In Matthew 6:6 he gave us five directions for meaningful praying - here they are:

  1) Have a Period for Prayer (When thou prayest) Find the time best for you whether morning, noon or night. When you are freshest and most awake.

 2) Have a place for Prayer (Enter into thy closet) It may be your bedroom, your den, your office or the altar of the church. Find a place and use it frequently!

 3) Have a Privacy in Prayer (When thou hast shut the door) Get away from distractions, focus your attentions on God and don't let anything interfere.

 4) Direct your Prayer to a person (Pray to thy Father) Our prayers should focus on God the Father who will meet every need!

 5) Rest on His promise for the answer (Thy Father shall reward thee openly) His promise are as good as money in the bank. His resources are beyond our need. He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think!

Rev. W. Scott Lockard
©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
What Christmas Means to me

To some Christmas is just toys and tinsel, wreathes and holly, trees and ornaments and myriad shopping expeditions for that right gift. To the Child of God it is so much more. Here is what Christmas means to me:

It means the yeildedness of a mother. A young virgin heard the angel of God declare, "thou shalt conceive....and bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus" (Luke 1:31). In a moment of unquestioning surrender she declared, "be it unto me according to thy word." (Luke 1:38). Christmas means surrender to God's perfect will!

It means the obedience of a father. Confronted by the fact of Mary's pregnancy Joseph had thoughts of putting her away privately (Matt. 1:19). It wasn't his baby she was carrying. He was badly hurt but an angel confronted him with an overwhelming demand, "fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." In a moment of complete obedience the scripture says, "Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him." (Matt. 1:24) Christmas means complete obedience to God's perfect will!

It means the wisdom of seeking Christ as the wise men did. A star had appeared and following it's brilliance they found the Christ. The scripture declares they fell down and worshipped Him and presented unto Him gifts." (Matt. 2:11) Wise men still seek Him for He is the only way out of our dilemma. Christmas means the wisdom of making Christ the number one priority in our life. That's what Christmas means to me!

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Five Fingers of Death

Edward Gibbons in his classic study declared, "The collapse of the Roman Empire was the result of five primary causes. He listed them as follows:
  1. The rapid increase in divorce and the undermining of the sanctity of the home.
  2. The spiraling rise of taxes and extravagant spending.
  3. The mounting craze for pleasure and the brutalization of sports.
  4. The building of gigantic armaments and the failure to recognize that the real enemy is moral decay.
  5. The decay of religion and the fading of faith into a mere form.
As I look around at this great land called America I see a similar trend. We are indeed repeating those very things. Divorce is commonplace for the most frivolous reasons. Tax increases and extravagance are apparent everywhere. Sporting events are becoming more brutal everyday. In spite of talk of reductions in weaponry we have more than adequate to wipe out mankind. Morality is at an all time low. Religion is mere form of godliness denying the power. We are indeed in trouble as a nation and perhaps on the verge of a disatrous collapse.

If Gibbions was right we better watch out. We need to turn our eyes upon Jesus and get back to the God of our Fathers. Five icy fingers of death are threatening to choke out the life of this great country. Let us get back to God.

Scripture: "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:2

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
The Church of the living God

Jesus instituted and organized the church. It was and is to be the vehicle through which He manifests Himself. With all it's weaknesses, inabilities and frailties it is still the best means of declaring Him the redeeming Lord! Notice four important factors about the church:
  1. Its Foundation (Upon this rock)
    Jesus said, "Its structure will be rock solid." Its foundation stable, durable and one that will never crumble. No crumbling sand here! The security of a God who is everlasting is evident in this foundation.
  2. Its Formation (I will build)
    The Apostle had it right when he said, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God giveth the increase." We can't do it alone. We are but instruments in this enterprise.
  3. Its Fellowship (My Church)
    The greatest privilege we have is to know the Lord. To know Him in the joy of sins forgiven and heart cleansing. It was recognized early that the disciples had been with Jesus. Can people tell we've been with Him?
  4. Its Future (The gates of hell shall not prevail)
    The future of the church is bright. We are going to come out on top. The forces of darkness are inadequate to overthrow us. The powers of evil are no match for "blood washed" saints calling on Heavens resources. Soon the church militant will become the church triumphant. I am truly glad to belong to the church!
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Scripture: "......and upon this rock I will build my church; and
the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matt. 16:18

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Going through the motions

How easily we succumb to the routine! How quickly we fall into the rut! How subtly Satan can convince us that all is well! There is much in scripture to suggest that we can become so accustomed to following the same old procedure that we drift into a state of neglect.

It was said of Samson that he was the strongest of men. He killed a lion with his bare hands; he slaughtered an army of Philistines; he was the champion of his people Israel. Things were going great "as the spirit came upon him."

So enamored was he by his great strengths that he ignored the subtle efforts of Satan to destroy him. When the women Delilah caught his eye he yielded to her persuasions and told her the secret of his heart. With the cutting of his hair he was as weak as other men!

Little did he realize the mess he had gotten into "he was still going through the motions." When Delilah said, "The Philistines be upon thee Samson," he scornfully declared, "I'll arise and shake myself as at other times." He didn't realize "the Lord was departed from him." (Judges 16:20) He was just going through the motions!

We are remarkably like that today. Sunday after Sunday we make our way to church and go away the same way we came. We say our prayers but nothing happens because we don't yeild! We put programs together but the Spirit is missing! We have a form of Godliness but deny the power! (II Tim. 3:5)

When will we realize that "Going through the motions" isn't enough. We desperately need to weep between the porch and the altar for a fresh touch of God. It's our only hope to salvage the church and win the world.

In Christ's Love,
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Satan Alive & well

Billy Sunday was asked "Do you believe in the devil?" Yes, he replied, for two reasons; one, the Bible says he is real and two, I've done business with him.

Scripture describes him as the 'the wicked one' (Matt. 13:9) 'The Tempter' (1Thess. 3:5), 'Prince of the power of the air' (Eph. 2:2), Prince of this world' (John 12:31), 'A liar' (John 14:30), 'A murderer' (John 16:11), and 'An accuser of the bretheren' (Rev. 12:10).

His purpose for being is "To be like God." (Is. 14:14) and to seek whom he may devour"(1Peter 5:8). He does not discriminate in his attacks against us. None of us are granted immunity. We all have felt his power at one time or another.

He employs many methods to get an advantage over us (2 Cor. 2:11). He led Adam and Eve to doubt God.(Gen. 3:4-5).He provoked pride in David (1 Chron. 21:1). He brings jealousy among friends (1 Sam. 18:6-30). He promotes selfishness (Acts 5:3); and he brings suffering (Rev. 2:10).

Satan is great but Christ is greater! Let us "Resist the Devil and he will flee from us." James 4:7)

In His Great Love,
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
The Unchanging Christ

In a day of fluctuating stockmarkets, collapsing economies and devastating disasters it is precious to know that one thing is certain. Jesus never changes!

I. He is changeless in His Teachings
Jesus declared, "You must be born again" (John 3:16) A new birth experience is priority one for every individual. He also demanded repentance. (Luke 13:3) He meant one must have enough sorrow for sin to turn from it. In addition he required that we be pure in heart. With less than pure motives we can never make Heaven our home.

II. He is changeless in His love
He reached out to the unlovable leper and cleansed him. (Matt. 8:1-3) He spoke to the sinful, adulterous woman and lifted her load of guilt (John 8). Even today he reaches out to a world laden by sin and offers forgiveness (John 3:16). That is love that knows no limitations.

III. He is changeless in His Power
He can save (Rom. 10:13). He has power to satisfy (John 14:27). He has power to keep us from falling(Jude 24). He has power over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19).

The same Jesus is available to us today!

Scripture: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." Heb. 13:8

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Things a Christian needs

During his meeting the great missionary-evangelist E. Stanley Jones would often prompt his audiences by asking the question "Do you have a need?" He would receive a negative reply and then he would say, "If you don't think you have a need then that's your need. " Truer words were never spoken for we all (even the most advanced Christians) have needs. Here is a list according to the Word of God.

  1. We need His Presence daily (Ex. 33:14) Moses found His presence essential. We too need the infilling presence of the Spirit.
  2. We need His strength daily (Deut. 33:25Israel enjoyed the strength of God and coped with every calamity that befell them. We too need that strength to defeat the enemy.
  3. We need His daily allowance (II Kings 25:30) Johachin was granted a daily provision by the King as long as he lived. We too need a daily allowance of His grace for all circumstances of our lives.
  4. We need His blood applied daily (Exodus 12:13)God told the Israelites to strike the blood on the door-posts and the blood would prove a covering. We too need a covering of blood daily to cleanse us from all sin.
These are just a few of our needs. May we realize them and find that the God of Paul can suplly all our needs. Let us remember He is our God too.

Scripture: "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
A piece of the Rock

Sometime ago a leading insurance company developed a commercial entitled, "Get a piece of the Rock." In so many words they were saying, "If you want security; if you want a feeling of stability; if you want to go through life with certainty get a piece of the rock." There is real sound advise in that commercial for although that company can't provide ultimate protection Jesus can.

Moses said, "For their rock is not as our rock!" Theirs may crumble but ours never will. David further declared, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." He wanted security and he found it in God! He wanted stability and he found it in Jehovah! He wanted a sense of certainty and he found it in the Everlasting Father!

If you want help get on the Rock. Paul said, "That Rock is Christ. "It is not a rock of physical strength for we can have a heart attack anytime. It's not a rock of financial security for the stock market can crash today! It's not a rock of social recognition for most of our friends are fair weather friends at best!

Get on the rock which is Christ. He brings security in an insecure world. He brings stability when everything around us is unstable. He brings certainty when all around us is uncertain. Let's get a piece of the Rock!

Scripture:   "For their rock is not as our rock..." Due. 32:31
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Hindrances to Revival

It is inevitable that twice a year we have a series of meetings and we designate them "Revival." We somehow expect that the evangelist or singers have the potential for revival in their pocket. Not so! I believe the absence of certain factors will make fertile ground for revival! Here are some hindrances:

  1. An unworthy walk will hinder Revival (Eph. 4:1) God said, "I beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called." Our walk must measure our talk!
  2. An unlowly attitude will hinder Revival (Eph. 4:2) The tendency is too boast of what we are and what we have accomplished never forget we are only sinners saved by grace!
  3. A retarded growth hinders Revival (Eph. 4:14) The scriptures declare, "That we henceforth be no more children...." God's people have got to grow; to mature; to develop their spiritual lives. This development will precipitate revival.
  4. An unrecognized Responsibility hinders Revival (Eph. 4:25) We are members one of another. Compassion and concern must of necessity characterize our lives. We are our brother's keeper.
  5. A grieved Holy Spirit will hinder Revival (Eph. 4:30) The spirit is grived by sin in the life of the believer. The Word says, "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." (Psalm 66:18)
  6. An unforgiving Spirit hinders Revival (Eph. 4:32) Grudges must be relesed; differences must be settled; trespasses must be forgiven!

We can have revival if we rid our lives of these things. Let us do what it takes to bring revival in our day!

Rev. W. Scott Lockard

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries