
"And I will give unto thee keys of the kingdom." Matt. 16:19

The Key wouldn't work! I attempted to start the car but nothing happened. Talk about frustrating. I had no access to the car and no way to move it.

It's like that when it comes to gaining access to heaven. If the key doesn't work or is the wrong one we can't get in. The key of access is called grace and thank God it is available. It comes by faith! Let us reach out and claim it.

                  In Jesus;
                  Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Short Term Memory

"Remember His marvelous works that He hath done." Psalm 105:5

Like most of us Israel had a short memory span! She quickly forgot the marvelous way God delivered them from slavery; the way He opened the Red Sea allowing them to cross on dry ground; the way He provided shoes that never wore out. He proved to be all they needed but they readily forgot. We too forget where we were and how far He has brought us! How low we were and how high we have climbed! Lord help us to never forget!

                                                        In Jesus;
                                                        Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Love Matters

"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us." 1 John 3:1

His love bestowed on Calvary included an excess of benefits: there is forgiveness of every past sin; there is cleansing that includes every carnal trait; there is healing of every disease; whatever our need it is provided by His love! I am truly glad for His love. How about you?!

                                                                    In Jesus;
                                                                    Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

You can stop giving me now!

"So the people were restrained from bringing." Ex. 36:6

You just never hear it! It never happens! I've never been able to say, "You can stop giving now! We have more than we need!" It happened one time though. Israel was so excited about the erection of the tabernacle that they couldn't give too much. They just kept coming and finally Moses restrained them! I Like that! Let us learn the art of giving.

                                                            In JESUS;
                                                            Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

The Power Company

"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power........" John 1:12

I love the word Power. It means authority! Authority to claim the Joy of sins forgiven; authority to realize the peace that passeth understanding; authority to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus; authority to leave the confines of this world for a world that knows no sin, sickness or disease; authority to dwell in a land that is fairer than day. Thank God the authority is extended to all who receive Him! Let's claim that authority. It's ours to claim!

                                                                In Jesus;
                                                                Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Bow here or Bow there!

"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow......" Phil. 2:10

The white knee, the red knee, the black knee, every knee! In Mark's gospel the leper came in an attitude of begging. Kneeling down on the dusty ground he said, "Lord if thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean."

Jesus said, "I will be thou clean." And He touched Him! Instantly the leprosy departed from him and he was clean.

I am glad I bowed before him and the leprosy of my sin was cleansed!

                                                        In Jesus;
                                                        Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Launch Out!

"Master, we have toiled all night, and have taken nothing...." Luke 5:5

To a fisherman there is nothing more frustrating than fishing and catching nothing. It had been a bad night for Peter and his partners! To compound matters exhausted as they were they had to clean the nets.

Then as if to heap on the abuse Jesus came by. To Peter's knowledge Jesus was a carpenter. What would He know about fishing? No wonder he hesitated when the Master said, 'Launch out into the deep.' Didn't He know by this time the fish would be at the bottom avoiding the heart of the day?

Little did Peter realize that He who made the fish knew where they were! It is to Peter's everlasting credit that he declared, 'Nevertheless at they word I will let down the net.' The result was an abundance; compensation beyond their wildest dreams; more than enough and too spare!

That's just like Jesus! I am going to follow Peter and launch out in the deep. Won't you join me?

                                                          In Jesus;
                                                          Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth


".........and his own received him not." John 1:11

Rejected! It's a horrible feeling! It happened to me some years ago. I was living then in a state where car inspections were mandatory I took my automobile to the mechanic expecting a clean bill of health. To my surprise it was rejected and to compound matters the part need to fix it had to be ordered. As a consequence I had to go everywhere for two days carrying a sticker that said rejected.

Jesus was like that too. He poured out His love and they rejected Him; he provided them forgiveness and they rejected him; he offered them healing for there soul's need and they turned Him down! He was despised and rejected of men but thank God He left an opening for them to receive His grace - The scripture says; "We can receive Him and He will make us part of the family." I am going to do it now! How about you?!

                                                             IN JESUS;
                                                             Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth


"Make known his deeds among the people." Psalm 105:1

Let's talk about Jesus. Everywhere on the pages of the New Testament His name was on the lips of the people - The Leper said, "He cleansed me!" The Woman taken in adultery said, "He forgave me!" The Blind man said, "He made me see!" The disciples came from the upper room and declared, "He purified our hearts!" His name is on my lips too for He has met my every need. Let's spread some good rumors for a change!

                                                           In Jesus;
                                                           Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

At The Name

"At the name of Jesus.........." Phil. 2:10

Lepers are cleansed; blind eyes are opened; deaf ears are unstopped; crippled limbs are straightened; dead bodies are raised. At the name of Jesus sins are forgiven; carnal hearts are cleansed; victory is assured! He is our all in all! In Him we live and move and have our being. I am truly glad for Jesus. Bless His Name!

                                                     IN JESUS;
                                                     Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

His way is best!

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12

'I did it my way,' so said Frank Sinatra in one of his classic hit songs. He did his own thing. We all do things to suit ourselves. Let's face it we are all guilty of pursuing our own agenda; of excluding God from our plans; of ignoring His will for us.

He does have a plan for us you know? If we can just find it we will be the happiest of people. I am glad I have found His way for me.

                                                                    In Jesus;
                                                                    Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

But God

"But God, who is rich........" Eph. 2:4

Abraham found the odds stacked against him BUT GOD came to his rescue and produced a son in the barren womb of Sarah!

Noah faced real obstacles in constructing the ark BUT GOD came and the prophet found grace in the eyes of the Lord!

Elijah stood up to the prophets of Baal without much of a choice BUT GOD intervened when the man of God called down fire from Heaven!

I was sinking deep in sin BUT GOD reached down and lifted me out!

Doesn't matter the circumstances or the situation God comes to our help. Remember BUT GOD!

                                                       In Jesus;
                                                       Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Don't throw in the towel

"Man is born unto trouble......" Job 5:7

If anyone knew about trouble Job did! In a series of unanticipated disasters he loses all his wealth. Then suddenly his sons and daughters are crushed to death while partying in the eldest brothers house. Does Job rebel against God? No! He bows in submission! In scene two Job is physically afflicted and loses his health. Plagued by what appears to be a form of leprosy he is found among the ashes with his wife chiding him for holding onto his faith. Does Job throw away his confidence? No! Not on your life! He still holds fast his integrity!

We too will experience unexpected trouble but His grace is sufficient for us. Hold on child of God our troubles will soon be over!

                                                        In Jesus;
                                                        Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth