God is For Me!!!

I Just heard from God today and He said,
"…………this I know; for God is for me." Psalm 56:9

 From an early age David tended the flocks of Jesse. He was deeply conscience of God's presence as he stood defiantly against a lion and a bear. Even then he declared, "for God is for me."

 Later when Samuel began the selection process to determine who would be the new king. He finally concludes that David is God's choice! From the hill sides of Judea he enters the home of his father where he is anointed. Again he concludes, "for God is for me!"

 As he grows into manhood he is given added responsibility! Among those is a trip to camp of the enemy. His brothers are facing the prospects of a future battle with the enemy. The only obstacle in their path is a 9 foot tall giant named Goliath. While cowering in the field their brother David comes from the home bringing news for the young men!

 While there David has a confrontation with the enemy. Goliath issues a challenge to anyone who will stand up against him! David accepts the challenge sensing the presence of the Lord! After convincing the King he can do it he steps onto the battlefield with nothing more than a sling and five stones.

 After the ranting and raving of Goliath David declares, "I come in the name of the Lord." With one stone he brings the giant down. Much later he penned the words, "For God is for me." He is for us too!

In Jesus;
W. Scott Lockard


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