A Day of Accounting

Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they 
watch for your souls, as they that must give account...." Hebrews 13:17

It is that time of year...........a time of accounting. As a minister in the Wesleyan Church it is my responsibility to present to the church body an account of my stewardship. Today I begin compiling the facts and figures of a year of service to be presented during our Local Church Conference. I've kept accurate records so it won't be a major problem. Upon presentation they have the authority to accept or reject the report. That's kind of disturbing but I can tell you something even more so and it is this: Someday I'll stand at the Judgement Seat of Christ and give an account of my stewardship; an account of deeds done in this body.. (Romans 14:10). It will be a fearful moment for I want to be found faithful above all else! By the way you will join me that day. Let us purpose in our hearts to be faithful in the few things that we might be ruler over many things.

In Jesus',
W. Scott Lockard


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