The Right Choice!

                                   "But one thing is needful....." Luke 10:42

Martha was frustrated and fretful. She had put a lot of time into her culinary masterpiece. She wanted everything to be perfect. After all Jesus didn't come by often and she wanted everything to be just right.

She just needed a little help from Mary. Her sister could be so aggravating! If only Jesus would hear her plea for help. Then suddenly she realized He did hear her request but He didn't answer as she expected. He declared, "Mary hath made the right choice." Her focus is right! She realizes that material things are not all there is. She is right where she ought to be.There is no place better to be then sitting at the feet of Jesus and applying His word! I want to sit there too!

                                                             In Jesus;
                                                             Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth


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