Showing posts with label supplies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supplies. Show all posts


"Salute Rufus..........and his mother and mine......" Rom. 16:13

Apparently Paul believed in Mother's day too. This very special lady had opened her home and her heart to Paul. As he moved about fulfilling his evangelistic duties he knew he was always welcome in her home. If he needed a listening ear she was available; if he needed a place to just put his feet up he found it there!

So deeply did Paul appreciate Rufus's mother that he honors her in his special letter presented to the Romans. For all time this anonymous lady is engraved on the pages of God's book! Happy Mother's Day to Rufus's mom and all mother's especially my dear wife!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Here is a Sermon from Pastor W. Scott Lockard entitled "No Oil Shortage Here!" Don't forget to Like, Share and Subscribe to the Youtube channel for more get videos!