Acknowledge Him

"In all thy ways acknowledge Him........." Prov. 3:6

To acknowledge Him is to recognize His capabilities; His adequacies; His sufficiency! The leper knew he was capable of cleansing. He said, "Lord if thou with thou canst make me clean." Jesus said, "I will be thou clean." Nicodemus said, "We know you are a teacher come from God." Jesus said, "Ye must be born again" and Nicodemus was!

I too acknowledge that He can save to the uttermost and He does! I am glad for an 'All Sufficient Savior.'

               In Jesus;
        Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

The Best is yet to come! Part 2

"Behold I make all things new.........." Rev. 21:5

The Best is yet to come! Those very special words grace our weekly bulletin. They are words of great inspiration spoken to me by the Holy Spirit following my triple by-pass surgery. I was experiencing post operative depression but God came to me and lifted my spirit by pointing out He was going to make all things new. A world free of sickness, disease and death! A world free of violence and hostility! A world that is better than everything we can imagine. Thank God the 'Best is yet to come!'

              In Jesus;

       Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

The Best is yet to come!

Behold, I make all things new........." Rev. 21:5

The best is yet to come! That's the theme of our church. We are always expecting something new and fresh from His hand. We are looking for a fresh beginning and a brand new start! A new church year is before us! With God's help we can make it the best ever!

It also begins my 45th year as a Christian. I want it to be my best and it can be with God's help! Our God is just waiting to make everything new.

                In Jesus;
       Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

He's All I Need!

But my God shall supply all your need......." Phil. 4:19
Needs! We all have them whether we realize it or not. The great Methodist missionary E. Stanley Jones declared, "If we say we don't have a need then that's our need."

We need a God who is sufficient and we find Him in Jehovah! We need a redeemer and we find Him in Jesus! We need a guide and we find Him in the Holy Spirit - All our needs are satisfied in the True God!

The Lord is my portion, saith my soul. Every need His hand suplies. I am glad I know where to look to have my needs met!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

The Bood

"In that day there shall be a fountain opened.....for sin and uncleanness." Zech.13:1

The song writer said, "There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins; and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains".

With the death of Christ on the cross the blood sacrifice was made. A two-fold provision is ours! Every sin of the past is wondrously covered as we seek forgiveness. The guilt and condemnation is lifted as God comes in power to forgive.

Then in a moment of complete consecration the old nature is cleansed enabling us to live a sanctified life. I am glad I've felt the blood applied! You can too!

In Jesus',
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

More than Enough (2)

"There is a lad here............" John 6:9

It was lunchtime. The crowd was restless and hungry. Stomachs were rumbling all over the mountainside. It had been a wonderful morning but now the multitude needed something to eat.

As always Jesus took note of the need. Our needs never escape His notice! Something needed to be done immediately. He turned to Philip the head of the Ways and Means Committee and asked about the condition of the treasury! As is usually the case they were experiencing a short fall! Somebody forgot to tithe!

Suddenly Andrew came along and said, "There is a lad here." The kid didn't have much, but little if much if God is in it. The bag lunch produced only five loves and two fishes but that was just enough! Jesus blessed that lunch and fed a multitude. He truly is the God of Abundance!

                                                                                       In Jesus;
                                                                       Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

More than Enough

"I am come that they might have life; and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Grace beyond measure. Resources in abundance! Power over all the power of the enemy! He can save to the uttermost. His forgiveness covers a multitude of sins; His cleansing delivers from all that is unrighteous!

No matter the needs He provides an abundance! Fish were not biting and Peter came home frustrated having toiled all night. Jesus said, "I know right where they are at! Launch out into the deep." He did and there was such an abundance the ship nearly sank!

More than enough and to spare! That's our God! Let us claim some of the Abundance!

                                                                                 In Jesus;
                                                                   Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Missing Out!

"But Thomas....was not with them when Jesus came." John 20:24

Where could he have been? What could have his attention? What was so important that it kept him from that church service?!

His priorities were all wrong. His focus was on the material things of this world. Like so many today Jesus took second place. Thomas missed out on a rich anointing; on the joy that only Jesus could bring; on a Peace that passeth understanding.

So Many in our own day are in a similar plight! Not me though! I won't let anything keep me from where Jesus is! How about you?

                                                           In Jesus;
                                                     Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

He knows us

"......for he knew what was in man." John 8:25

He knows all about us! Nothing about us is hidden to His eyes. He saw Nathaniel under the fig tree and declared him to be a man in whom there was no guile!

He saw the impotent man helplessly laying at His feet. He knew he had been a long time in that condition and declared, "Rise up and walk!"

He met the woman at the well and declared that she had five husbands and the one she was living with was not her husband! Then in a moment He forgave her every sin!

He is like that! He sees us as we are and says "Come unto me and I will give you rest." I am going to seek Him while He may be found! Won't you join me?

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Study! Study! Study!

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God........." 1 Tim. 2:15

It's been a long day. I've spent much of it in the most absorbing of activities; study. I am a student of the word and have been for 45 years. My main focus has been on the bible! There is something wonderful on every page. As an expository preacher my interest is in words; in fact words researched can produced a wealth of eye opening possibilities! If you love the book and want to learn more about it study words! Remember you can't preach it unless you know it. Study!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

My eyes are on the prize

Looking unto Jesus............" Heb. 12:2

So many things get our attention. We focus on the physical whenever we get an ache or a pain. We focus on the financial when the bills come rolling in. We focus on the material when some new gadget gets our attention. Most of the time our focus is on the wrong thing. We need to get our eyes fixed on Jesus. He is the prize and everything else is secondary. My eyes are on the prize! Hope your eyes are on the prize too!

In Jesus,
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

State of Contentment

"......for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Phil.4:11

Evangelist Buddy Robinson was asked what state he resided in and he said, "the state of contentment." Well that's not Kentucky but it is a wonderful place to be. I think Paul had arrived at that place for wherever we see him on the pages of the New Testament he seems perfectly content. He and Silas are found singing praises in the prison house in the midnight hour. Now that's contentment! My prayer is that God will help me to be equally content wherever I find myself! To be equally content whatever my physical condition! To be fully satisfied if just my needs are met! To live in the state of contentment that's my plea.

In Jesus',
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

My Wonderful Friend

"There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Prov. 18:24

Some friends are reliable, some are dependable; some are fair weather friends only available when things are going well!

How grateful I am to have a friend like Jesus! He is always available to meet my needs; to satisfy the longings of my heart! He sticks so close that nothing can separate me from the life of Christ!

What a wonderful friends He is! Ever accessible; always available! I really love Him! How about you?!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth