God is For Me!!!

I Just heard from God today and He said,
"…………this I know; for God is for me." Psalm 56:9

 From an early age David tended the flocks of Jesse. He was deeply conscience of God's presence as he stood defiantly against a lion and a bear. Even then he declared, "for God is for me."

 Later when Samuel began the selection process to determine who would be the new king. He finally concludes that David is God's choice! From the hill sides of Judea he enters the home of his father where he is anointed. Again he concludes, "for God is for me!"

 As he grows into manhood he is given added responsibility! Among those is a trip to camp of the enemy. His brothers are facing the prospects of a future battle with the enemy. The only obstacle in their path is a 9 foot tall giant named Goliath. While cowering in the field their brother David comes from the home bringing news for the young men!

 While there David has a confrontation with the enemy. Goliath issues a challenge to anyone who will stand up against him! David accepts the challenge sensing the presence of the Lord! After convincing the King he can do it he steps onto the battlefield with nothing more than a sling and five stones.

 After the ranting and raving of Goliath David declares, "I come in the name of the Lord." With one stone he brings the giant down. Much later he penned the words, "For God is for me." He is for us too!

In Jesus;
W. Scott Lockard

For such a time as this #1

I Just heard from God today and He said,"Thou art come into the kingdom for such a time as this." Esther 4:14

From the time of Adam and Eve's fall from grace things worsened. Following Cain's murder of Abel wickedness flourished expanding throughout the world. Society was at a loss seeking someone to solve the crisis.

Suddenly on the scene came the man called Noah. A just and righteous man in his generation he was just what God was looking for He had come to the kingdom for such a time as this!

God had a plan and Noah was just the one to initiate it. Calling Noah into His presence he laid out the blueprint for the salvation of mankind. 

During the construction of the Ark Noah proclaimed the promises of God. Any who would enter in would be saved. A time period of 120 years elapsed during which Noah faithfully declared the truth. 

It is my contention that much laughing and scoffing was heard outside the ark! Of the total congregation none accepted the offer of entry. Violence continued to escalate the family was ushered into the ark and as predicted the rain began to fall! 

The finality of it all is heard with the crash of thunder as the "door was shut." Excluded were those who ignored the offer! At that point there was no point or possibility of entry. 

Noah was the man for such a time as this. It has always been that God has one for "such a time as this." For our generation such a one is the Lord's Jesus. He has made a way for us! Let us seek the Lord while He may be found and call on Him while He is near!

In Jesus;
W. Scott Lockard
For Such A Time as This #2

I Just Heard From God Today and He Said,
"Thou art come into the kingdom for such a time as this." Esther 4:14 

Out of this wilderness comes one who has the briefest biographies. He immediately speaks out under the authority of God declaring a drought to be forthcoming. To avoid a conflict with Ahab he is instructed to hide by the brook Cherub where he will find water and food to eat! 

After remarkable provisions satisfying every need Elijah has a confrontation with Ahab. It is decided that all of Israel be called to Mt. Carmel where they will be challenged as to their intentions. Posing the question "How long halt ye between two opinions?" Elijah gets no response at all! 

Laying out a plan including both sides Ahab is to bring the prophets of Baal [450] and the prophets of Astoreth [400] and Elijah a group of one. Gathering on the Mountain they set up an altar. Seeking for a fiery outpouring the Baalites spend the day in a frenzy of Pleading. They go as far as to cut themselves with knives. Even Elijah scoffs at their inability! When they prove unsuccessful Elijah steps in. 

Saturating the altar and the trench surrounding it he prays a simple prayer. No frenzy, no frustration, no failure. In sixty-three words the fire falls! Another evidence of one called to the kingdom for such a time as this. 

It had always been so that God appointed one to fill the bill. To step into a crisis situation and meet the need presenting itself! Maybe you are here for such a time as this! 

In Jesus:
W. Scott Lockard
Articles in the Old Testament Tabernacle
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

  Immediately after entering the door of the outer court there was found an altar constructed of acacia wood and overlaid with bronze. Upon it was placed the sacrifice for the Bible teaches without the shedding of blood there is no redemption. The priest assisted in making the sacrifice for he would hold the creature while it was killed. The party then for whom the sacrifice was offered would place his hands upon the sacrifice and confess his sins. The animal then served as a substitute for his or her sins. This is a wonderful type of pointing to Jesus Christ for He is the Lamb of God who taken away the sins of the world. We must come to the cross and lay our sins on Jesus. The result is forgiveness and the right to enter in.
THE LAVER (Ex.30:17-31)
  The Laver was a large bronze basin containing water. It was made from the bronze looking glasses of Israeli women(Ex.38:8). Nothing is said about its dimensions for it represents the Word of God. According to Matt. 24:35 the Word of God has no limitations. The Laver was a mirror according to James 1:22-24. One could look into its depths and determine the sin demanding cleansing. We all are as an unclean thing hence the need for the cleansing power of the laver. How shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to your word (Psalm 119:9) The Laver took away the dirt. The priests would come who were covered in blood, grime and dust for cleansing. Believers who are covered with worldliness an inward sin must come for the cleansing power.
 The tabernacle was really a tent. It was one hundred cubits in length and fifty in width. The outside was covered with badger skins. As a consequence the outside was rough, brown and unattractive. It reminds us the unsaved are not attracted to Christianity. T he second skin was made of ram and dyed red representing the blood. The third skin was of goat's hair, white in color, representing the purity of Jesus. Inside curtain was woven in colors of blue, purple, red and white. Throughout the curtain were interwoven Cherubim. It served as a ceiling for the Holy Place. The four colors remind us of Christ. His coming from heaven (blue), His blood (red), His perfection (white) and His royalty (purple).

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Furniture of the Holy Place of
The Old Testament Tabernacle
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

(Exodus 25:31-40)

I. Table of the shewbread (12 Loaves)
  The shewbread represents the Word of God. We are to feed on the Word daily. From this daily feeding we gain our strength and sufficiency to fight the fight of faith.
II. Golden candlestick
  The Golden Candlestick provides supernatural light. It represents Jesus who is the Light of the World. Each holder contained a pot of oil representing the provision the Holy Spirit makes for us.
III. Altar of incense
  The hot coals were brought from the Brazen Altar and then the sweet incense was sprinkled there with the frangrance going up to God. Our prayers are like the incense (Rev.8:4)

The Three Pieces of Furniture teach us to feed on the Word, be filled with the Spirit and have an effective prayer life.

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
The Holy Place of The
Old Testament Tabernacle
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

     a. Blue (Heavenly and Godly) John 20:28
     b. Purple (Kingship) Matt.28:18
     c. Red (Blood) MARK 10:45
     d. White (Purity) LUKE 23:4.14
   2) Cherubim interwoven throughout the linen veil

  1) Having sacrificed a goat on behalf of man
  2) Having released a scapegoat into the wilderness
   1) White linen turban(base a crown of gold-Ex.28:36
   2) Words Holy to the Lord
   3) Inner garment of white linen
   4) Robe of blue(Helm attached)-Ex.28:31-33
   5) Pomegranate Motif(Blue, Purple and Scarlet) Witness
   6) Gold Bells alternating Testimony
   1) Made of four colors (Blue, Red, Purple and White)
   2) Gold thread interwoven (Heavenly)-Ex.39:3
  D.THE BREASTPLATE(Gold Embroidery)-Ex.28:15)
  1)Twelve Precious Stones (one per tribe)
    a; Each had name of a tribe (Jesus knows our name-John 10:3
   2) It folded double to form a pocket
    a. Two jewels kept within(Urim-lights) (Thummim(Perfections)
    b. Special requests(important decisions) made by the High Priest)
    c. Standing before the Lampstand reflected light falls on the stones
    d. Flash of light provides 24 combination(2x12)-22 letters in Hebrew alphabet)
    e. Slight breeze flickers flames and alter angle of lights direction hitting different letters
     f. God spoke not audibly but by letter
    e. Bringing the blood to sprinkle yearly(Day of Atonement)-Ex.25:22
   1) Lid of the Ark made of Pure Gold
     a. Becomes the Mercy Seat
     b. Jesus sprinkled blood on Heaven's Mercy Seat-Heb.4:16
   2). Shikinah Glory(Light from above)-Ex.25:22
    a. Sybolizing overshadowing presence

© 2008 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries

Introduction to The
Old Testament Tabernacle
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

I .God Is Always Specific (Ex.25-31)
  When God gave Moses instruction to build the Tabernacle He was specific! Noah had a similar experience when told to build the Ark. God is always specific when dealing with His people. He leaves no doubt as to His intentions.
II.God Is Always Detailed (Ex.25:2-35:5)
  The structure was to be 175' in length and 150' in width. The material requirements were 2400 lbs of gold, 8400 lbs of silver and 8400 lbs of brass. The fabric to be used was of finest quality: cloth of blue, purple, scarlet, fine twined linen, coverings of goats hair, skins of rams and badger or seal. It was further required to have Acacia wood (hardest wood known), precious stones (for the High Priest's vestments), olive oil and sweet spices.
III.God Is Always Demanding (Ex.36:5-6)
  God uses people. He told Moses, "Have the people bring an offering". It was to be taken from the wealth obtained in Egypt. They brought so much they had to be restrained in their giving.
IV.God Is Always Selective (Ex.35:30-32)
  He chose Bazaleel to serve as contractor. The man had an eye for beauty and detail. He was a skilled artisan. He was a gifted teacher. Most of all he was filled with the Holy Spirit.
V.God Is Always Accessible (Ex. 27:16)
 The entire Tabernacle enclosure took nine months to complete. It was a fenced enclosure with curtains covering the entire structure. Seven feet high it was just above eye level. To see inside one must enter through the door. The gate of entry faced east and consisted of multi colored curtains;blue reminding us that God(Jesus) came from Heaven!; white reminding us of His purity and perfection; red reminding us of the necessary shed blood and purple reminding us of royalty and that He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

 Gaining entrance required a blood sacrifice. The rich were to bring a bullock; the middle class a lamb or goat and the poor were to bring turtle doves or pidgeons. They were to be sacrificed and the blood to be sprinkled on the altar. This sacrifice was to be repeated yearly but the death of Christ was once for all. Consequently by His death we all may gain entrance"for whosoever will may come"!

©2003 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
7 steps to stagnate
Sunday School

1.We never done it before!
2.We're not ready for that!
3.We're doing alright without that!
4.We've tried it before!
5.It costs too much!
6.It's not our responsibility!
7.It just won't work!

Yours for Bigger and Better Sunday Schools;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

(C)2009 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries


Yours for Bigger and Better Sunday Schools;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

(C)2009 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Why people resist change
in Sunday School

1) They're content, satisfied with status quo-no matter how dangerous, outdated, or ineffective it may be.

2) They lack understanding. They just don't understand how change could produce the desired results.

3) They're not willing to pay the price they don't believe it would be worth the time, effort, money, or trouble.

4) They're tradition bound. Their motto: "That's the way we have always done it."

5) They fear a loss. We will have to destroy our old building, throw away our old Christmas ornaments, spend more money.

Yours for bigger and better Sunday Schools;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

(C)2009 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries
How to bore your class

1. Dominate the conversation.
2. Talk very slowly.
3. Talk very fast.
4. Talk without eye contact..
5. Talk "over their heads.'
6. Talk "under their intellegence."
7. Talk lots about yourself.
8. Talk in a monotone.
9. Talk without thinking.
10. Just talk on....and on....and on.
11. Somehow keep them Awake during all of the above.
12. Keep talking for several minutes after the final bell.
13. Call them "disloyal" and "backsliders" when they start attending another class.

Yours for bigger and Better Sunday Schools;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

(C)2009 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
What Sunday School
Means to me!

It Means fun! If Sunday School is the most boring hour of the week we have missed its purpose. We need to make it a lively fun time whether during class or preliminaries. Do whatever it takes to make it fun to come.

It means fellowship! Sunday School is a place to meet new friends. A place we can make wholesome acquaintances. A place to develop uplifting relationships.

It means faith! It's the place to enlarge our faith. The Place that we can grow and mature and Learn more about Jesus. A place to get our spiritual life all together!

It means Fruit! Increasing numbers, excited students, enthusiastic teachers. A growing, thriving productive church bringing forth new converts. Enlarging the roll expanding the outreach, sharing the message with all we can!

Yours for bigger and better Sunday Schools;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

(C)2009 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright side Ministries
Teaching Methods of Christ

Teaching Methods of Christ:
  1. Use of Parables (Matt. 13:1-9) (Mark 4:33-34) (Luke 10:25-27)
  2. Personal experience of participation (Mark 6:6b, 7)
  3. Object Lessons (Matt. 10:14, 11:2-6, 18:1-4, 22:20-21)
  4. Drama (Matt. 27:7-11, 21:12-16)
  5. Gave opportunity for questions (Mark 13:3)
  6. Referred to daily experience (Luke 10:41-42]
  7. Used a child to illustrate humility (Mark 9:35-36)

Effective Means of Illustration (Letting the Light in):
   A. Jeremiah used the:
     1. Girdle (Jer. 13)
     2. Bottle (Jer. 13:12)
     3. Potter's Wheel (Jer. 18:1-6)

   B. Ezekiel used the:
     1. Roll (Ezekiel 3)
     2. Tile (Ezek. 4)
     3. Beard (Ezek. 5)

   C. Amos used the:
     1. Locusts (Amos 4:10)
     2. Plumb line (Amos 7:7-8)
     3. Summer Fruits (Amos 8:1-2)

Yours for bigger and better Sunday Schools;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard

(C)2009 Pastor Lockard's Living on the Bright Side Ministries