Singing songs with the Savior

"And when they had sung a hymn, they went out.........." Mark 14:26

The time had come. The death of Christ was near! In the midst of the turmoil and confusion; in the midst of the uncertainty and deception; in the midst of the doubt and distress they sang a hymn!

As they began to move towards the Mount of Olives Jesus led them in a congregational song! I am not sure of His voice range but I believe it would blend perfectly with the Angelic Choir! For Him it was a time of rejoicing. Soon His purpose for coming would complete the work of redemption! His death would culminate in resurrection on the third day. Then the song would be "Up from the grave He arose." He is alive and someday soon we will join Him in a Heavenly anthem. I can hardly wait!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth


"Salute Rufus..........and his mother and mine......" Rom. 16:13

Apparently Paul believed in Mother's day too. This very special lady had opened her home and her heart to Paul. As he moved about fulfilling his evangelistic duties he knew he was always welcome in her home. If he needed a listening ear she was available; if he needed a place to just put his feet up he found it there!

So deeply did Paul appreciate Rufus's mother that he honors her in his special letter presented to the Romans. For all time this anonymous lady is engraved on the pages of God's book! Happy Mother's Day to Rufus's mom and all mother's especially my dear wife!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth


"Choose you this day......" Joshua 24:15

Life is filled with choices. If we are like most people we choose a cholesterol laden breakfast that is nothing but an artery clogging extravaganza! Then we chose our wardrobe for the day. Some of the outfits we choose make us look like a refuge from a rummage sell.

After choosing our work for the day we spend about eight hours just barely getting by because we stayed up so late watching Leno on TV.

Then when it came to choosing between attending church or the beach we bake our brains all day nearly getting sun stroke!

Choices! We make them everyday. Let's face it there are choices that are going to determine our eternal destiny. Let's choose the right things!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

The devil made me do it honey

".....because your adversary the devil....." 1 Peter 5:8

Billy Sunday said, "I believe in the devil for two reasons: One the Bible speaks of him and Two I've done business with him." You've heard it said, "The Devil made me do it." That's no Joke! He will do whatever necessary to trip you up; to cause us to swerve from the right path; to deceive us into believing a little sin is permissible. Give him no opening or advantage. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Rolling Stones

"..they saw that the stone was rolled away..." Mark 16:1

I've been reading a new book by Max Lucado, the title says it all. It simply says, "He still moves stones." I like that! For wherever you see Him on the pages of the New Testament He is moving stones. If it's sickness, He moves it out of our life! If it's disease he banishes it. If it's carnality He cleanses it! Whatever the stone He can roll it away. Let us give Him opportunity.

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Mercy's Song

"I will sing of the mercies of the Lord." Psalm 89:1

His mercy is extended. His grace overshadows us. His blessing is abundant. His love is all inclusive! Every need his hand supplieth! No wonder the Psalmist could sing. Mercy's door was open. We can enter in. If you haven't begun your pilgrimage do so now. We'll both be glad you did!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

He's all I need

"At the name of Jesus......." Phil. 2:10

Lepers are cleansed; blind eyes are opened; deaf ears are unstopped; crippled limbs are straightened; dead bodies are raised. At the name of Jesus sins are forgiven; carnal hearts are cleansed; victory is assured! He is our all in all! In Him we live and move and have our being. I am truly glad for Jesus. Bless His Name!

Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

This Same Jesus

"This same Jesus...." Acts 1:11

Standing starry-eyes the disciples gazed up into Heaven -- They were at a loss -- what would they do without Him? Who would fill the void His absence left? Would they ever see Him again? Breaking into their revelry the angel said, "This same Jesus is coming again." Anticipate His return! Expect His coming! Occupy till He comes! It could be anytime now! I am expecting Him. How about you?!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Don't Quit

"But none of these things move me...." Acts 20:24

Don't Quit. That's been the theme of my ministry over several Sunday evenings. Life is filled with unexpected temptations and the tendency is to quit running the race and give in. Sickness overwhelms us and we say what's the use. Why not just quit! Financial reverses occur and we throw up our hands in despair and say I'm just going to quit! 

Paul had every reason to throw in the towel; every reason to give in but he determined not to quit! There was just too much too lose! I feel that way too. How about you?!

Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

As prayers go up!

"I pray for them........." John 17:9

Many have prayed for me over the years. There was my Pastor and mentor who prayed for me that God would forgive my sins and later that He would sanctify my heart!

Then there have been the lay people who have prayed that God would place His anointing on me as I preached!

Many prayers have gone up on my behalf but none that could remotely compare to the prayers of intercession by my Savior! He Has held me up and kept me from falling! He has led me in the way I should go. Hallelujah what a Savior!

In Jesus;
Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Seeing the Father

"At the name of Jesus........" Phil. 2:10

Lepers are cleansed; blind eyes are opened; deaf ears are unstopped; crippled limbs are straightened; dead bodies are raised. At the name of Jesus sins are forgiven; carnal hearts are cleansed; victory is assured! He is our all in all! In Him we live and move and have our being. I am truly glad for Jesus. Bless His Name!

Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

The Right Choice!

                                   "But one thing is needful....." Luke 10:42

Martha was frustrated and fretful. She had put a lot of time into her culinary masterpiece. She wanted everything to be perfect. After all Jesus didn't come by often and she wanted everything to be just right.

She just needed a little help from Mary. Her sister could be so aggravating! If only Jesus would hear her plea for help. Then suddenly she realized He did hear her request but He didn't answer as she expected. He declared, "Mary hath made the right choice." Her focus is right! She realizes that material things are not all there is. She is right where she ought to be.There is no place better to be then sitting at the feet of Jesus and applying His word! I want to sit there too!

                                                             In Jesus;
                                                             Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth

Great Things

"The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad." Psalm 126:3

We just came from Prayer Meeting a short time ago - God blessed the saints as we rejoiced together. In every pew is evidence of the great things God has done! There are those who testify to His forgiveness; others who speak of His sanctifying power; still others who have felt His healing touch! It is a marvelous place to be! I love to be where God is for where Jesus is tis' heaven there.

                                                     In His Great Love;
                                                     Rev. W. Scott Lockard Bth